A Day of Creativity and Endurance

What a day…PHEW!  Today was a test of my mettle.

Started the day with a PTA meeting (I’m board chair of the HSA Selection Committee) which ended just in time for me to hit the road for an open enrollment day at C&F Foods (a fantastic organization that still promotes a family atmosphere offering above average benefits with a very generous contribution structure). Rainy days in Southern California are always a commuting struggle, but today was moving along very well UNTIL…

My car broke down halfway to my appointment on the 210 freeway. Shake. Rattle. Grind. Overheat.  Are you kidding me? This cannot be happening.  What do I do to make my meeting?

After a brief moment of curling up into the fetal position and sucking my anxious thumb, it hit me.  I’m not giving up!  I’m going to make my meeting!  Call Enterprise…they picked me up…rented me a 4×4 Dodge Ram pickup truck (it’s all they had left)…and I’m on my way.  No problem, right?

Of course not.

I don’t have the adapter for hooking my Surface up to the PowerPoint projector. What to do?

Call Matt in the office (our Tech Manager who borrowed it for a presentation he needed to do for prospective clients Saturday). “Meet me at C&F Foods please…time is tight and I need that adapter”.

“No problem, Matt says. See you there”

Sure enough, Matt comes through.  I arrive to my meeting with 8 minutes to spare.  Check in with HR, my Aetna Rep and my Sun Life Rep…set up and go.


A great day of presentations to the employees about the great new & improved benefits they’re getting this year.

Wrapping up at 4:30, it’s time to retrieve my car and get it towed to the closest dealership. Thank God, it’s still sitting right where I left it (what a blessing and relief).

I Uber home from the dealership in Glendale. Get home at 8:00.  Have a small dinner.  Pack my suitcase for tomorrow’s trip to Sacramento and go to bed.

Super Agent OUT.