Where’s Super Agent Been Lately?

Super Agent returns…

It’s been a bit over 3 weeks since I’ve last documented the day in the life of me.  A lot has been going on in that time-frame, for sure.  Client marketing & meetings, Charity events, Insurance related functions and Personal life stuff like the 50th Wedding Anniversary of my parents.  Phew!  It’s a lot when I look at it add up like that.

Well let’s start with the business part of things and work our way down the list to get all caught up.

Clients:  This is a very busy window of time for them and I as many of them are either just off the January 2017 renewal bonanza and the trail that follows that or are preparing for the fiscal year renewals and open enrollments June & July 2017.  A lot is going on.  There’s the servicing of what’s been sold, changed, enrolled in and transitioned to (which inevitably with changes their are headaches to follow).  Then there’s the ramping towards the upcoming early summer renewals (many of them for the larger non-profits we handle).  It’s always a challenging time of the year to get through, but worth every bit of it.  We are “all hands on deck” as they say.  The renewal offers have finally been proposed by the carriers to our clients.  The sharpening of pencils and creative solution process is in full swing.  Once we nail down the plan of approach moving forward, then we are off to the races helping the employees and family members of our clients with the next year of insurance costs, choices of coverage and education of the nitty-gritty details of the insurance they decide to elect and how it affects them and their individual needs.  It’s busily rewarding to be able to help the client and their employee base through all of this.  It’s especially rewarding when the multi-year planning and forecasting fits the situational conditions at hand.  That’s when it is at its best.

Charity:   Wow.  What a batch of great opportunities to be able to support the past month. A fundraiser for a private school, an awareness event for Aspergers and a fundraising gala for a non-profit that creates video biographies of family members before they die in order to allow the surviving members of the family to have a living memory for all time.  The school (of which I sit on the Board of Directors for) had a great event raising money to help keep tuition’s low and allow for the faculty to receive raises for the first time in some years.  The other event was sponsored by PCDA (Professional Child Development Association in Pasadena) and was a showing of the movie “Asperger’s Are Us” with a Q&A afterwards with the Director and Producer of the documentary.  What a great film.  It was my second time seeing it and it really enlightened me regarding the world of Autism and it’s many scales upon its
spectrum.  I was honored to be asked to host the Q&A at the Laemmle Playhouse in Pasadena and get to spend a lot of time talking with some of the guests in attendance who decided to stay afterwards to meet myself as well as the director and producer.  It (as I seem to always say) was a very rewarding night spiritually for me.

Insurance Industry:  Statistics, Forecasting, New Products and ongoing Healthcare Reform.  It’s a never ending constant in order to stay on top of the game and be the Super Agent my clients and myself expect me to be.  I attend as many industry events as possible in between the many other responsibilities of work and home.  Each one of them usually beneficial in some way or another.  They take up valuable time, but the knowledge is to valuable to not make time for when able.

Personal Life:  Daughter is doing fantastically.  I’m so fortunate to have such a ray of enthusiasm and light in my life.  It’s very infectious.  On the other hand, speaking
of infectious… I got to include myself in sharing the experience of this horrible “head-chest” flu virus thing that has been going around and lingering in me for almost 3 weeks now.  YUCK!  On a brighter note, though, my mom and dad celebrated there 50th wedding anniversary this year.  We threw for them a great, intimate party for them at a friends alpaca ranch in Carpenteria.  I am so fortunate to have two loving parents that have been there together for me my whole life.  Congrats mom & dad.  Oh!  And lest I forget.  Lily and I are moving into a new (fixer-upper) home this month so that’s nervously exciting.  We are really looking forward to establishing a new chapter to our lives in a new place to live it.

Well, there you have it.  We’re all caught up.  Until next time…

Super Agent out.