Getting Ready to Get Going Again – 02.14.2017

Tuesday, and it’s time to get caught up all the way and get ready for my next 3 day trip.

Ivonne is finishing our 3 day enrollment in Long Beach today, so that leaves me much valued time to get things in complete order (assuming that is actually possible).
First order of the day is to wish Lily a Happy Valentine’s Day.  She is woken with a card and a chocolate rose to start the day (and yes, she ate the chocolate as part of her healthy breakfast because I’m not just a Super-Agent but a Super Father as well).  Off to school on time with her Free 7-11 Slurpee Gift Cards for all 31 of her 4th grade classmates.  Should be a popular gift for the day.

I finally get my car from the dealer this morning.  OUCHEEWAWA!  $965.00 for a new thermostat and an all new front sway bar and assembly.  They also installed a new airbag for me as there was a product recall for it.  Not the most wonderful Valentines present in the world, but at least it’s all working again.

Now, off to Chatsworth Hills Academy.  CHA is a PK-8th Grade school nestled in a beautiful canyon setting.  I sit on the board for this school and have a great interest in their success.  My best friend’s entire family has graduated 8th grade from this school which is how I was introduced to it.  Today, I get to check in and also deliver a $1,000 donation check from United Agencies to help support their efforts to give a true quality education to all of the students that attend this school.  Had a great visit.  Now off to the next engagement.

This engagement is needed but not quite as fun.

If you aren’t aware, I had reconstructive knee surgery last November so Physical Therapy is a weekly regimen I must keep up in order to get myself complete and able to get back into all of the sporting activities I enjoy.  It’s a love-hate relationship we all have with our physical therapist, I think.  They encourage and motivate me while at the same time attempting to cause extreme pain (they call it improvement and growth…I’m not too sure).

One last local errand and I’m heading home to pack my bags for tomorrow.

Super-Agent out.