Going to Hang-Town

I was on my way up the 50 East towards Tahoe.  Rain is pouring in sheets today ma king the drive very interesting.  The Sacramento area is truly flooded (weird as a Southern Californian to see this).

Anyways, after a 50 minute drive, I check in with Barry at Sierra Family Services.  Going over a Cal Choice proposal that could solve his organizations needs to offer Kaiser alongside multiple other carriers that fit the regions his employees reside since he has employees in very remote areas of NorCal.  Now just have to re-crunch some numbers to see if it makes mathematical sense.

Also, with the recent changes to his agencies structure, it’s also time to get him some technology.  Perfect!  HR Link is definitely going to solve his problems.

After a great conversation about some mountains he’s ascended to the peak, it’s time to head to my other local client, Summitview.

WOW!  What a busy, busy place Summitview is on this Wednesday.  Here we go…

First, I’m met by Carla which is perfect as I happened to be bringing her our donation to their organization ($5,000 this year which makes her and I very happy).  It really does feel rewarding to be able to help the non-profits that serve our communities.  What a blessing it is that I get to work with so many great organizations like Summitview.

Next up, meet with Anna and Jessica.  Whoa… I did not see this coming, but they are up to their necks in murky water.  Literally!

With permission I tell you the details…

Monday evening, the city’s sewage backed up and flooded to entire 1st floor of their 3 floor structure.  Disgusting.  What a mess.  Now, I’m not a Property & Casualty agent, but I could play one on TV.  I am armed with just enough knowledge to be dangerous.  We get on the phone and call home office in Burbank to get the claims balls rolling.  Jeff and Katia take control of the situation and now we get to move on to why I’m actually here – LUNCH.  I love lunch with these guys.

Anna, Jessica, Monica and I go to Cascada (a Mexican restaurant on Main Street).  Delicious.  Monica’s not eating since she already ate not knowing I was coming to treat them (bummer for her because it really is great food).  Fun conversation and laughs sharing our recent life adventures with one another…it really is a great way to spend lunch.  And, it gets better.  Today is Monica’s fake birthday (determined by me).  Yay!  Happy Birthday to Monica is sung by the entire guest population while a slice of chocolate cake is delivered to the birthday girl.  Happily embarrassed, Monica makes a wish and blows out her candle.  I’m guessing she wished I’d never do that to her again.  We’ll see.

I say my goodbye’s to my friends in Placerville and head back to Sacramento for some time with more friends; Stanford Youth Solutions is having their Open House tonight.

I arrive and I’m greeted immediately by their Development Director Carrie who is sooooo excited to see me (feels good to be welcomed like that).  I take the tour that is a mapped out station destination of each department in the organization and what they do for the community.  It’s really an awesome model of support and solutions for all of the needing children in the community.  It’s always so moving to hear their efforts explained.  If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Foster or Adopting parent, please reach out to them because over 40,000 kids in California are in need of placement.

I sign-up again for their fundraiser in May.  Over-the-Edge is an opportunity to repel down a 17 story hotel in downtown Sacramento.  I did it last year and it was both scary and exhilarating.

It’s been a very long, but extremely fruitful day.  Time for rest as tomorrow is my last day in Sacramento and I need to make the most of its busy schedule.

Super-Agent out.