Today I belong to Lilliput

Today, it was all about Lilliput…my last stop on this trip to Sacramento.

But first, thanks to technology, I have a meeting in Pacoima at 10:00am.  It is a proposal meeting to try and help a mid-size “systems engineering” prospect of mine find a solution to their benefit package that needs to accommodate employees in 17 states (not always an easy undertaking, but I love challenges like this one).  Well, in my presentation, most of it is a no-brainer.  The medical and dental (this big items) need to stay put as no one else is competitive  this time around (which is frustrating to myself and the client as they are looking for improvement at a value and just cannot find it this time around).  However, there are a lot of opportunities to improve and save on the ancillary lines of coverage (i.e. Life, STD, LTD, Vision, Voluntary Supplemental plans).  Obviously, I realize savings in this area is not as sexy as it is when it’s on the bigger plans, but a lot of these plans are the ones where the employee is paying a great deal of their own money as they’re voluntary (voluntary is where the employee is responsible for all of the cost for coverage).  Since they have a large population buying coverage’s like additional Life insurance, Accident and Cancer coverage’s; saving 30%-70% in the employee’s paycheck is a big deal.  So, we’ll see what’s next.  I’m scheduled to follow up in 10 days to see what management decides to do.

Now, time to pack up, check out and head to Citrus Heights to meet up with Karen and Rod.  But first, the best part of my job, I get to deliver United Agencies’ $5,000 donation check for the 2017 year.  It’s always a great feeling to be able to help our non-profit clients continue their community operations with the little help we give to their great big causes.

We gather ourselves into my rental car, attempting to dodge the rain with every step (pointless really as it is pouring aggressively today).  Karen has picked a new place for lunch – a modern, pub-style restaurant called Hop-House that does not disappoint.  We have a great time catching up on each other’s lives and eventually head back to Lilliput’s headquarters.

The energy today at Lilliput is filled with happiness and excitement.  This evening, myself and all of the other donors to their cause last year are being celebrated and shown how our money was spent to help the children and families they represent.  A speech by Karen, a great video highlighting Lilliput’s role, and then some appetizers while socializing with everyone there (Lilliput employees, various other donors from all walks and government officials) make for a fantastic finale to my 3 day visit to Sacramento.  Off to the airport finally to get home and rest up a bit before I head out on an enrolling trip next week.

Planes delayed… pretty common these days due to weather all about the country.  No biggie.  Gives me time to go through emails and catch up on some reading.

Plan arrives to Burbank safely.  I arrive home safely and immediately go down for the night.

Super-Agent out.